Mart Kull

Viljandi Hospital, Estonia

Dr. Mart Kull is the Chief Medical Officer and a member of the Executive Board of Viljandi General Hospital Foundation, as well as a practicing medical doctor. In addition to coordinating care and implementing new medical services and a quality system in a general hospital, his current professional interests are focused on integrating care in the region of Viljandi County through vertical and horizontal integration of medical and social services.

In his current position, Mart has had the opportunity to lead two integrated care projects with an academic focus in Estonia and has been involved in the JADECARE European Joint Action. These projects have offered the opportunity to gain experience in integrated care through specialist conferences and collaboration with colleagues from other universities (Hospital Clinic de Barcelona, Optimedis) and societies (International Foundation of Integrated Care).

Dr. Kull holds a PhD from the University of Tartu in the field of health outcome research in chronic diseases and has completed MD and rheumatology specialist training there. Before accepting administrative roles, he worked as a researcher and consulting physician at the University of Tartu and has authored or co-authored more than 20 articles in peer-reviewed journals on the outcomes of chronic conditions.