Sabine Torgler

Overseas Nurse = Registered Nurses in the UK and Director of English for Nurses Ltd. 

  • In 2003, I moved from Bremen in Germany to Bristol in UK. In Bremen, I worked as a Staff Nurse (for 6 years) at the Red Cross Hospital in Bremen (where I did also my training to become a nurse), 
  • I have nearly 30 years of work-experiences in nursing,
  • I am a staff nurse at the University of Bristol (on a surgical ward, 25% I work clinically)
  • In 2013 I founded international nurses’ network English for Nurses Ltd. 
  • I write and teach my own clinical English workshops for: nurses, midwives, paramedics, physiotherapists, doctors, hospital administrators, medical assistants = covering healthcare professions in total = we are the flying nurses + ONLINE teaching,
  • I teach in 5 EU-countries and 2 non-EU countries,
  • I teach also scientific English at German universities (for BA + Msc students), of how is English used in nursing science, nursing research and nursing paedagogic,
  • I also work within the Erasmus network for European student nurses.  
  • I write and implement nursing concepts in English and German,
  • I have written 4 pocket guides for the international nursing and midwifery cultures,
  • I teach clinical English as well as clinical German to international nurses and doctors for the German speaking nursing and medical culture (for Germany, Austria and German-speaking Switzerland),
  • I am a board member of ENDA since 10 years,
  • I am a member of the Royal College of Nursing (UK) since 20 years
  • I am a member of the Nursing and Midwifery Council (UK) since 20 years
  • I am a member of the Red Cross Sisterhood in Bremen (Germany) since 30 years